Friday, August 15, 2014

How To Avoid TTC Trauma

I'm an urban mom through and through. I love the sights, sounds and smells of this city.  Sirens are my lullaby. Seriously - I went camping once and the crickets kept me up all night.  But I digress...

One of the things I love most about living in Toronto is that it's incredibly walkable and, when it's not, we can take transit.

Sure - it's easy to take the TTC when you are a biped with free will.  Now throw a stroller into the mix. It's traumatizing. 

I'll admit that riding the rocket with a baby in tow is not for the faint of heart.  There are the glares and stares from other passengers (and sometimes drivers) to contend with.  But you'd be surprised (or maybe not) by just how kind fellow TTC goers can be.  It's worth giving it a try.

Here are my top tips on how to avoid TTC trauma:
  • Avoid rush hour when possible.  Skip the frenzy of the morning or evening rush.  You'll have lots of room for both you and your stroller.
  • Downsize that diaper bag.  Avoid the urge to pack for the apocalypse.  By pairing down your diaper bag to the essentials, you can be more mobile in the event that you do need to fold up your stroller to make way for other passengers.  
  • If you need help, ask!  I can't stress this enough.  Ask for help when getting your stroller on and off buses and streetcars.  Passengers and drivers are generally kind and willing to help.  You'd be amazed how far your cheery disposition and adorable baby can go!